Saturday, May 7, 2011

No points for guessing - I am a student at IIIT-Delhi, a relatively new engineering college, that specializes guessed it right - Information Technology! It was formed in 2007, under an act of the Delhi State Government, and thus it is a freely governed body that has the independence to form rules of it's own, and syllabus of its own!

Enough of the boring'll get all this on the website now that I'm done with the disclaimers...let me commence with the real thing...

This blog is for people who want to know more about IIIT-Delhi..people like the potential students...and their (concerned) parents..this blog is for anyone who's in a join or not to I making a mistake..or is the decision worth it? Should I go for the faculty that looks awesome (on the website) or should I consider the fact that this college is merely 3-4 years old? Well, I'll try to make an honest attempt at answering these questions here!

Why am I writing this blog? Well, for starters, simply because I want to share my experience of being at this place for an year with someone like you, as i totally understand what it is like to go through the endless apprehension..the nail biting tension and the fear of breaking countless expectations as you are faced with the decision of joining a relatively new college in contrast to known names that promise, if nothing else, at least a fat package at the end of your stay there. Another reason why I'm writing this blog is, because I want you to know exactly what you're signing up for when you come here.

The decision, as I now realize, is simple actually. It's a trade-off between wanting to learn vs. wanting just a degree. If it is just a package you are after, or simply a job you are after...if you do not want an extremely hectic (yet perhaps equally interesting) academic life..if you want to keep enjoying the pleasures you're accustomed to presently (a movie each weekend..night outs with friends twice a outing every alternate day...and the list is endless..), then IIIT-D might just not be the place you want to be in.

On the other hand, if you think you're willing to learn as much as you can regarding Information Technology...if you think you want to really get to do projects that you never imagined could be feasible...if you are passionate about technology in general..if you really want to know new platforms..languages...all about computers....(the works basically!!!)...then IIIT-D is THE place you should keep above all other options!!!

When I was faced with the same dilemma last year, I chose to go the Facebook way...that is to say, I tried finding people who had listed IIIT-Delhi as their educational institution on Facebook, and I messaged them my concerns and fears...most of them were my juniors (as they were more in number than the PhD(s))..and most of them were helpful enough to give me honest opinions about my predicament! These were the first signs of a positive environment to be in...

It is not difficult to manage the workload here, but I'll mince no words when I say, that you will definitely have to make sacrifices to your fun quotient in life to survive and/or excel here. The workload is designed to keep you at your toes. You will have to work to get yourself the desired results. But trust me...once you get the hang of the place...once you learn to manage'll start loving doing what you're doing! The very fact that you're working harder and on tougher projects than ur counterparts in other universities would have a charm of it's own! And I'll again mince no words when I say that the work you get to do here is definitely more interesting and engaging beyond anything you might have done at school/graduation level!!!

The environment this place provides for growth is amazing. It's a research led institution, and it's a treat to see 2nd year B.Tech students seriously contemplating if they want to go for a PhD! That is the kind of passion that the ambiance of this's teachers are capable of inducing in you. Students here have high aims - they want to go for internships to schools outside India..and they make it through too...based on sheer merit! If this is the kind of future you envision for yourself...then come to IIIT-D!!!

I think I have said enough. Now try taking the decision equipped with this added information. Try asking yourself exactly what you're after....a degree..or knowledge? Are you ready to work hard on interesting projects? Be honest just to yourself...and you'll have the answer in no time! :) I sincerely hope I have helped lessen the dilemma! :)